If you are interested in discussing how Hypnotherapy may help you, I offer a free 20 minute consultation to determine if I can support you, and run through the process of hypnotherapy.
Within the course of Hypnotherapy, you may be given recordings to listen to in between sessions or some in-between session tasks to undertake to enhance your outcome and these are all included within your payment.
I am currently offering sessions 1-1, on evenings and weekends over video call and these are charged at £50 per hour.
I also offer in person sessions either in your own home or at a local clinic within Essex and these are charged at £65 per hour.
Hypnotherapy usually lasts for between 4 and 6 sessions but this is discussed after an initial consultation.
Offering 1-1 sessions, currently over video call, or in the privacy of your home across Essex, you can start the Hypnobirthing process whenever you choose in the duration of your pregnancy but most commonly towards the end of your second trimester.
Sessions cost £350 for the whole 12 hours and with that you have access to multiples audios for use throughout pregnancy and birth, the KG Hypnobirthing book, a parents pack and access to support groups to find other women and parents
Once you have confirmed you wish to undertake therapy with me, payment will be needed in advance to sessions beginning